“…he could not tell whether his horses were moving or standing still.”
Starting as a considered article on the nature of dreams, the writer believes he knows about this subject more than philosophers, a subject that is an admixture of body and soul, and he gives an example conveyed by this article’s title that gradually seems to infiltrate its academic intentions with a nightmare of Dobson who runs two horses as a sort of ancient taxi into Hell at the behest of who? And by which Toll gate that makes him have a duty to return through it and the people he dreamed of turned out to be real people in synchronicity with his dream, into which his wife Chirsty (sic) half-appears, and his horses become maimed or fully dead or still caught in their own nightmare of some Zeno’s Paradox of Time….The first time I have been genuinely disturbed by a dream that I originally thought was fiction.
“Set back the clock an hour or twa, to drive him past the time,…”
My previous review of this author: https://dflewisreviews.wordpress.com/2022/06/16/james-hogg-john-gray-o-middleholm/