Edited by Ann and Jeff VanderMeer
Vintage Books 2016
My Real-Time Review of each story is currently being conducted HERE.
The Star - H. G. Wells
Sultana's Dream - Rokheya Shekhawat Hossein
The New Overworld - Paul Scheerbart
The Triumph of Mechanics - Karl Hans Strobl
Elements of Pataphysics - Alfred Jarry
Mechanopolis - Miguel de Unamuno
The Doom of Principal City - Yefim Zozulya
The Comet - W. E. B. Du Bois
The Fate of the Poseidonia - Clare Winger Harris
The Star Stealers - Edmond Hamilton
The Conquest of Gola - Leslie F. Stone
A Martian Odyssey - Stanley G. Weinbaum
The Last Poet and the Robots - A. Merritt
The Microscopic Giants - Paul Ernst
Tlön, Uqbar, Orbis Tertius - Jorge Luis Borges
Desertion - Clifford D. Simak
September 2005: The Martian - Ray Bradbury
Baby HP - Juan José Arreola
Surface Tension - James Blish
Beyond Lies the Wub - Philip K. Dick
The Snowball Effect - Katherine MacLean
Prott - Margaret St. Clair
The Liberation of Earth - William Tenn
Let Me Live in a House - Chad Oliver
The Star - Arthur C. Clarke
Grandpa - James H. Schmitz
The Game of Rat and Dragon - Cordwainer Smith
The Last Question - Isaac Asimov
Stranger Station - Damon Knight
Sector General - James White
The Visitors - Arkady and Boris Strugatsky
Pelt - Carol Emshwiller
The Monster - Gérard Klein
The Man Who Lost the Sea - Theodore Sturgeon
The Waves - Silvina Ocampo
Plenitude - Will Worthington
The Voices of Time - J. G. Ballard
The Astronaut - Valentina Zhuravlyova
The Squid Chooses Its Own Ink - Adolfo Bioy Casares
2 B R 0 2 B - Kurt Vonnegut Jr.
A Modest Genius - Vadim Shefner
Day of Wrath - Sever Gansovsky
The Hands - John Baxter
Darkness - André Carneiro
"Repent, Harlequin!" Said the Ticktockman - Harlan Ellison
Nine Hundred Grandmothers - R. A. Lafferty
Day Million - Frederik Pohl
Student Body - F. L. Wallace
Aye, and Gomorrah - Samuel R. Delany
The Hall of Machines - Langdon Jones
Soft Clocks - Yoshio Aramaki
Three from Moderan - David R. Bunch
Let Us Save the Universe - Stanisław Lem
Vaster Than Empires and More Slow - Ursula K. Le Guin
Good News from the Vatican - Robert Silverberg
When It Changed - Joanna Russ
And I Awoke and Found Me Here on the Cold Hill's Side - James Tiptree Jr.
Where Two Paths Cross - Dmitri Bilenkin
Standing Woman - Yasutaka Tsutsui
The IWM 1000 - Alicia Yánez Cossío
The House of Compassionate Sharers - Michael Bishop
Sporting with the Chid - Barrington J. Bayley
Sandkings - George R. R. Martin
Wives - Lisa Tuttle
The Snake That Read Chomsky - Josephine Saxton
Reiko's Universe Box - Kajio Shinji
Swarm - Bruce Sterling
Mondocane - Jacques Barbéri
Blood Music - Greg Bear
Bloodchild - Octavia E. Butler
Variation on a Man - Pat Cadigan
Passing as a Flower in the City of the Dead - S. N. Dyer
New Rose Hotel - William Gibson
Pots - C. J. Cherryh
Snow - John Crowley
The Lake Was Full of Artificial Things - Karen Joy Fowler
The Unmistakable Smell of Wood Violets - Angélica Gorodischer
The Owl of Bear Island - Jon Bing
Readers of the Lost Art - Élisabeth Vonarburg
A Gift from the Culture - Iain M. Banks
Paranamanco - Jean-Claude Dunyach
Crying in the Rain - Tanith Lee
The Frozen Cardinal - Michael Moorcock
Rachel in Love - Pat Murphy
Sharing Air - Manjula Padmanabhan
Schwarzschild Radius - Connie Willis
All the Hues of Hell - Gene Wolfe
Vacuum States - Geoffrey A. Landis
Two Small Birds - Han Song
Burning Sky - Rachel Pollack
Before I Wake - Kim Stanley Robinson
Death Is Static Death Is Movement - Misha Nogha
The Brains of Rats - Michael Blumlein
Gorgonoids - Leena Krohn
Vacancy for the Post of Jesus Christ - Kojo Laing
The Universe of Things - Gwyneth Jones
The Remoras - Robert Reed
The Ghost Standard - William Tenn
Remnants of the Virago Crypto-System - Geoffrey Maloney
How Alex Became a Machine - Stepan Chapman
The Poetry Cloud - Cixin Liu
Story of Your Life - Ted Chiang
Craphound - Cory Doctorow
The Slynx - Tatyana Tolstaya
Baby Doll - Johanna Sinisalo
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