SOMETHING REMAINS – Joel Lane and Friends

Edited by Peter Coleborn & Pauline E. Dungate
Work by Allen Ashley, Simon Avery, Stephen Bacon, Simon Bestwick, James Brogden, Ramsey Campbell, Mike Chinn, Gary Couzens, Sarah Doyle, Jan Edwards, Paul Edwards, Liam Garriock, John Grant, Terry Grimwood, Andrew Hook, John Howard, Ian Hunter, Tom Johnstone, Mat Joiner, Tim Lebbon, Alison Littlewood, Simon MacCulloch, Gary McMahon, David Mathew, Adam Millard, Chris Morgan, Pauline Morgan, Thana Niveau, Marion Pitman, John Llewellyn Probert, Rosanne Rabinowitz, Nicholas Royle, Lynda E. Rucker, Steve Savile, David A. Sutton, Steve Rasnic Tem, Mark Valentine, Joe X. Young.
My long-term on-going page for Joel HERE.
Hopefully as amends for not being involved, for whatever reason, in this book, I intend to carry out a real-time review of it in the comment stream below…
I intend this slow-motion review to be my own such tribute to Joel, along with my Joel page linked above.
I have just read Pauline E. Dungate’s introduction where the above sentence appears. It is a fascinating and admirable account of the reclamation of Joel and his literary accoutrements from his abode.
There are example photocopies of Joel’s handwriting in this book but as far as I can see there is no systematic attempt to link fragments with the various authors’ adaptions or continuations. I will report back on this as I go through the book fiction item by fiction item.
Admirable, too, that proceeds of this book are due to go to Diabetes UK.
“Not death, then, but immortality.”
I refer to this finely touching (and half-harshly realistic!) tribute, not because it is among the book’s various introductions, but because it is set out typographically as a poem or free verse. I loved and reviewed Joel’s poetry and free verse.