Des Lewis - GESTALT REAL-TIME BOOK REVIEWS A FEARLESS FAITH IN FICTION — THE PASSION OF THE READING MOMENT CRYSTALLISED — Empirical literary critiques from 2008 as based on purchased books.
Sunday, May 05, 2019
The Injuries of Time: Desmond Wolfe and The Mulholland Archive
The Injuries of Time:
Desmond Wolfe and The Mulholland Archive
Edited by Harris Naughton – Introduction by Alan Linell
In due course, I intend to review this book and express my thoughts in the comment stream below…
Pages 7 – 17
Just to let you know what this book is supposed to be about, a glimpse of its back cover…
It is full of such notes and photographs (upon which some of the notes are written on the back of), the first example shown below. I will show no more during this review. You will need to read the book itself to see them.
The intricacies of Wolfe and Mulholland are convoluted, I guess, so far. Alan Linell’s intro is fascinating.
I was Smith in the Böhm book, I sensed. Now I may be Desmond Wolfe. My name is Des(mond) Francis Lewis, often shortened to DF Lewis or DFL. Take the FL from WOLFE and you get WOE!
I see that Brexit, meanwhile, today, becomes even more problematic for all concerned.
Half an hour ago I posted this:
—> Page 21
“, I tried to track down a copy on a whim but found that none existed.”
Just like the blank real-time review I advertised a few days ago, which has now become non-existing, one stage even further than blank. The shoebox here reminds me of the missing black box in the Böhm book, a book which, as far as I can check, still exists as two tangible volumes in my depleting book collection. Frank (Francis) turns up here on page 18. More mysteries of estate management. And a Pedestal Original entitled MODERATE PARTICLES: An Account Of Time And Space, which brings us back to the missing book at the beginning of this report by me today. A day where, incidentally, Brexit seems to be reaching even further depths of imponderability. Another ‘meaningful vote’ to be morphed by May?
—> Page 25
“I was none the wiser as to what I was supposed to do with any of this junk.”
“…that should not have existed in the first place, but […] there’s no way of going back.”
Last night, May’s deal went down heavily for the second of how many times?
A photo, shown of page 25, of what looks like me outside what truly looks like my family home in 1955 when I was seven, playing cowboys and Indians.
“The photograph was of myself and Desmond as children.”
“…nostalgia as a form of homesickness. In my case, all I felt was the sickness.”
—> Page 31
“11. This ‘academic success’ mentioned here by Mulholland in fact eluded Wolfe throughout his career and even long after his vanishing and the eventual appearance of the Mulholland Archive.”
I wonder if the Mulholland Archive is a misprint for David Lynch’s Mulholland Drive? And the ‘holland’ bit a reference to Holland-on-Sea where I have lived for the last 25 years, and where I took the photograph below yesterday as an example of Post-Pointillism. Meanwhile, it looks as if May’s deal will pass next week.
—> Page 37
“I have given up on applying any logic to the contents of the box and today began to randomly arrange some of the artefacts in the hope that some chance associations might present themselves.”
To tell you the result of that stratagem would be a spoiler! Meanwhile, Bercow’s ‘surprise’ statement yesterday seemed to help resolve a sentence in another book I was reading and reviewing at the same moment….”You want to know what eternal torment looks like? It’s repetition, doing the same thing over and over and over.”
Meanwhile, alongside, is my photo today, a misspelling of the famous Scottish brewer.
—> Page 43
“, he found that denying his wife’s passing had actually allowed her to live again, if only for a short while,…”
I signed the Revoke Article 50 Petition today, following the 29 March lasting for a short while until 11 April.
This is where I stood in 1952 when 4 years old, a photo I took yesterday. The fact that I have lasted this long is nothing short of a miracle!
—> Page 46
“I got the impression that there was almost too much information for him to hold in his mind at once. The more he looked, the more he saw, and the more connections he made between one thing and another . . .”
“Then Desmond showed me the photograph and I didn’t know what to say. His entire state of mind seemed to hinge on a memory unearthed by a connection with a photograph,…”
Yesterday, more than a million people marched in favour of a People’s Vote. And Theresa is still – as I speak – leading herself and the country over a cliff edge. Easy words, difficult times.
—> Page 49
Wolfe’s ‘frequency illusion’ – “A person sees or hears something, and the next thing they know, it’s everywhere, like some hitherto undiscovered pattern has just revealed itself.”
Today there has been much bruited abroad about potholes…
And yesterday Parliament voted to take over Parliament. Indicative of what?
—> Page 53
“, to the point where an unassuming figure begins to take on supernatural significance.”
Anyone following political shenanigoings-on yesterday. today they feel they are living in Wolfe’s attempt at creating patterns of an “alternate world.”
—> Page 55
“Where are you, Desmond? 18”
“There were just three generations of men, all of us reduced to a state of uselessness.”
—> Page 61
More than just one urban iconographer on the prowl in addition to Wolfe? Or is Wolfe himself the sole perpetrator of the images on roads, buildings etc! See the images for yourself in this book.
All eyes, meanwhile, in today’s real-time of April First, upon an indicative Customs Union! And upon the most disloyal Cabinet in political history, according to the Chief Whip who is called, of all names, SMITH! (See the Böhm book linked at the start of my review above.)
—> Page 64
“Wolfe had begun to live in spaces most of us ignored, or did not know existed. And he found something there.”
Like an extension being more time to do the same thing? A perfect storm of a deadlock.
‘Absent from reality’, for a while.
An example stretch of the new Brexit wall…
—> Page 65
“I can no longer be certain who is following who or who or what I am looking for.”
Or whether a couple of whos above should both be whom?
—> Page 68 Wolfe’s remapping of the city, but leaving the cemetery unredacted. A subsuming mutuality of synergy* between streets and self. I sense Wolfe is still out there alive returning along some path of breadcrumbs he left – or already inside the reader him- or herself? (Sorry, I seem to be giving this my review a Tusk-like flextension,)
*as I speak, also May and Corbyn.
—> Page 69
“There seems to be less and less point in keeping this diary but I’m going to keep going for as long as I can…”
Indeed, a Halloween Brexit now seems to be on the cards – on the cards of to-be-rewritten history of a retrocausal diary!
—> Page 77
As the politicians have gone back to Brexit after Easter, time to resume my review of this book.
“Wolfe’s life has become mine, or perhaps it is the other way round.”
Since last writing here, the disfiguring éclat of Gavin Williamson and the disastrous local elections for Tory and Labour. No reconcilement envisageable. This book has both sucked me out and inspired me. Any further comments on Brexit from me, if I am still here, will appear on my site here:
Page 80
“By the time you read this I’ll be gone.”
The rest of this book are hundreds of pages of black and white photos. See them or die. end
Just to let you know what this book is supposed to be about, a glimpse of its back cover…
It is full of such notes and photographs (upon which some of the notes are written on the back of), the first example shown below. I will show no more during this review. You will need to read the book itself to see them.
The intricacies of Wolfe and Mulholland are convoluted, I guess, so far. Alan Linell’s intro is fascinating.
I was Smith in the Böhm book, I sensed. Now I may be Desmond Wolfe.
My name is Des(mond) Francis Lewis, often shortened to DF Lewis or DFL. Take the FL from WOLFE and you get WOE!
I see that Brexit, meanwhile, today, becomes even more problematic for all concerned.
Half an hour ago I posted this:
“, I tried to track down a copy on a whim but found that none existed.”
Just like the blank real-time review I advertised a few days ago, which has now become non-existing, one stage even further than blank.
The shoebox here reminds me of the missing black box in the Böhm book, a book which, as far as I can check, still exists as two tangible volumes in my depleting book collection.
Frank (Francis) turns up here on page 18. More mysteries of estate management. And a Pedestal Original entitled MODERATE PARTICLES: An Account Of Time And Space, which brings us back to the missing book at the beginning of this report by me today. A day where, incidentally, Brexit seems to be reaching even further depths of imponderability. Another ‘meaningful vote’ to be morphed by May?
“I was none the wiser as to what I was supposed to do with any of this junk.”
“…that should not have existed in the first place, but […] there’s no way of going back.”
Last night, May’s deal went down heavily for the second of how many times?
A photo, shown of page 25, of what looks like me outside what truly looks like my family home in 1955 when I was seven, playing cowboys and Indians.
“The photograph was of myself and Desmond as children.”
“…nostalgia as a form of homesickness. In my case, all I felt was the sickness.”
A dead man is trying to talk to me. The box is trying to communicate something.10”“11. This ‘academic success’ mentioned here by Mulholland in fact eluded Wolfe throughout his career and even long after his vanishing and the eventual appearance of the Mulholland Archive.”
I wonder if the Mulholland Archive is a misprint for David Lynch’s Mulholland Drive?
And the ‘holland’ bit a reference to Holland-on-Sea where I have lived for the last 25 years, and where I took the photograph below yesterday as an example of Post-Pointillism.
Meanwhile, it looks as if May’s deal will pass next week.
“I have given up on applying any logic to the contents of the box and today began to randomly arrange some of the artefacts in the hope that some chance associations might present themselves.”
To tell you the result of that stratagem would be a spoiler!
Meanwhile, Bercow’s ‘surprise’ statement yesterday seemed to help resolve a sentence in another book I was reading and reviewing at the same moment….”You want to know what eternal torment looks like? It’s repetition, doing the same thing over and over and over.”
Meanwhile, alongside, is my photo today, a misspelling of the famous Scottish brewer.
“, he found that denying his wife’s passing had actually allowed her to live again, if only for a short while,…”
I signed the Revoke Article 50 Petition today, following the 29 March lasting for a short while until 11 April.
This is where I stood in 1952 when 4 years old, a photo I took yesterday. The fact that I have lasted this long is nothing short of a miracle!
“I got the impression that there was almost too much information for him to hold in his mind at once. The more he looked, the more he saw, and the more connections he made between one thing and another . . .”
“Then Desmond showed me the photograph and I didn’t know what to say. His entire state of mind seemed to hinge on a memory unearthed by a connection with a photograph,…”
Yesterday, more than a million people marched in favour of a People’s Vote. And Theresa is still – as I speak – leading herself and the country over a cliff edge.
Easy words, difficult times.
Wolfe’s ‘frequency illusion’ –
“A person sees or hears something, and the next thing they know, it’s everywhere, like some hitherto undiscovered pattern has just revealed itself.”
Today there has been much bruited abroad about potholes…
And yesterday Parliament voted to take over Parliament. Indicative of what?
“, to the point where an unassuming figure begins to take on supernatural significance.”
Anyone following political shenanigoings-on yesterday. today they feel they are living in Wolfe’s attempt at creating patterns of an “alternate world.”
“Where are you, Desmond? 18”
“There were just three generations of men, all of us reduced to a state of uselessness.”
More than just one urban iconographer on the prowl in addition to Wolfe?
Or is Wolfe himself the sole perpetrator of the images on roads, buildings etc!
See the images for yourself in this book.
All eyes, meanwhile, in today’s real-time of April First, upon an indicative Customs Union! And upon the most disloyal Cabinet in political history, according to the Chief Whip who is called, of all names, SMITH! (See the Böhm book linked at the start of my review above.)
“Wolfe had begun to live in spaces most of us ignored, or did not know existed. And he found something there.”
Like an extension being more time to do the same thing?
A perfect storm of a deadlock.
‘Absent from reality’, for a while.
House of Commons indefinitely suspended by water leak…
The Injuries of Time, indeed.
—> Page 65
“I can no longer be certain who is following who or who or what I am looking for.”
Or whether a couple of whos above should both be whom?
(Sorry, I seem to be giving this my review a Tusk-like flextension,)
*as I speak, also May and Corbyn.
“There seems to be less and less point in keeping this diary but I’m going to keep going for as long as I can…”
Indeed, a Halloween Brexit now seems to be on the cards – on the cards of to-be-rewritten history of a retrocausal diary!
As the politicians have gone back to Brexit after Easter, time to resume my review of this book.
“Wolfe’s life has become mine, or perhaps it is the other way round.”
Any further comments on Brexit from me, if I am still here, will appear on my site here:
Page 80
“By the time you read this I’ll be gone.”
The rest of this book are hundreds of pages of black and white photos. See them or die.