Collected Stories – William Trevor

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15 thoughts on “Collected Stories – William Trevor”
Later Stories by William Trevor
A Bit on the Side
After Rain
Cheating at Canasta
The Hill Bachelors
My other reviews of William Trevor:
My previous reviews of older or classic books:
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12 thoughts on “Later Stories by William Trevor”
‘Remember the day we saw the accident, the bus going too fast? Remember the first time in the Wild Park?’
This is Wild Park, too, yet it’s all accepted, undercurrrented to a game of marbles, even an inexplicable rotting dog as part of the story and her father Dickie’s coat with a hole in it. But which is the story, which the truth, blending as they do? Bea is nine, pretty no doubt, and her mother Iris once appeared in Z Cars in the 1960s when she was a small girl, now getting back into the stage business on the back of Bea having the eponymous good news of winning an audition for an unspeaking part in a subtle innuendo of a TV play. Bea’s mother is estranged from Dickie but this ‘happy’ acting event may get them back together. Bea must make a success of this unspoken part when she wakes up in front of Mr Hance, played by whom? Or was he playing himself, if not with himself? This story of a story in a TV play, or vice versa, is subtle, insidious, self-seeking and makes me feel for Bea, as Mr Hance does, too, I think. Playing the part for real? Quietly wild, so you’d never know, what undercurrents run deep. Bea fails to tell anyone, not us, not even this story’s author! An unspeaking part, ironically, indeed.
Additional Stories by William Trevor
My other reviews of this author:
When I read these books, my thoughts will appear in the comment stream below…
“Why did you say cow-parsley?”
From ‘releasing a lease’ to an oblique twist at the end about a pink cheque for five pounds, this is possibly the greatest short story I have ever read. No exaggeration. Between Mrs da Tanka and Mr Mileson encountering each other, both cluttered with the baggage of their respective backstories, neither satisfied by their night together. Or am I attempting to clarify an issue that should stay clouded?
A sadly poignant story – sadly humorous, too, in a strange way – of a man now going to seed after ‘murdering’ his marriage to Elizabeth by having an affair with Diana whom he met on a train. Diana has now left him. He now lives from Sunday to Sunday, on which day he has access to his two young daughters and tries to find things for them to do in London, but they end up watching The Golden Shot and Songs of Praise on his TV, as he gradually gets drunk. Meanwhile Elizabeth, with whom he shares a birthday date, has a new man, but he still hopes that good sense will prevail by renewing their marriage… a Gimlet in his eye? Beautifully done, with nice touches of the daughters’ conversations. Somehow uplifting by being an adept story to cherish simply for what it is with old day Sundays evoked, but, overall, real sad.
“The past was his hunting ground; from it came his pleasure and a good deal of everything else. Yet he was not proof against the moment he lived in.”
I, too, once bored people with astrology, but never as a conversational befriending device, like 78 year old General Suffolk. I, too, feel guilty, when going to the cinema in the afternoon, but that is unlike General Suffolk. This is of its time. Women with cigarettes hung autonomously from their mouths. The General on the search for a woman on his day out, but ironically leaving a woman back in his own place doing for him, as they used to say. A hilarious but poignant portrait of this man, getting drunker and drunker. Men got drunk more easily then. See previous story. By the way, I loved the item of backstory, though, about the duel in the General’s younger days. And the blade – or a similar one – that he drew blood with, hung on someone else’s wall today.
“; and then she thought it was decidedly odd, a detective going on about his past to an elderly woman on the terrace of an hotel.”
Two friends, retired woman teachers, on holiday on continent, sitting side by side in deckchairs. When one is gone temporarily, the private detective on surveillance sits in the other deckchair, and says he wants casual conversation so as to appear casual… makes her squiffy with drinks he buys … but his memories of childhood, nostalgic and tragic, were they made up or real? And when the other woman returns, who made up or concocted whom, and who would gossip later about it all – or not, as the case may be? Details here of colours, things, memories, drinks, plants, and much more, seem to be off some wall of literature that I remember as a child would later preoccupy me as an old man, whether either blocking my view or entrancing me remained to be seen, as it is now seen, but I am still unsure.
“‘I am the nigger in the woodpile,’ said a Mrs Galbally,…”
A VERY strange story, an arch-absurdism, of a Louis XVI console table sale and its negotiations between various parties and their motives as imagined by a Jewish furniture dealer, involving a ‘love nest’ and taking off one’s clothes prior to a ‘slick kiss.’ Obviously code for something far more important than itself. History was changed each time this work got a new reader to read it.
“I am a Jewish dealer, madam. I have a Jewish nose; I am not handsome; I cannot smile.”
[I would guess this was published in the 1960s.]
If one has asthma as a schoolboy, one should not smoke surreptitiously in the lavatories, I would say. He did have “the presence of worms in his body”, though, I note. An insidious story of boy’s telling stories to each other at night, one about the supposed ‘murder’ of his mother by his father so that he, his father, could marry his mother’s sister. A triangulation of boys leading to a set of accretive circumstances, the telling of stories about each other to the headmaster and another teacher called Pinshow. It all sort of coagulated in my mind like illicitly toasted toast with adulterated raspberry jam. Which of the dual relationships of the triangulation was the most illicit? None, probably. Like all human life, much hangs on chance or mistake or mischief or wild imagination.
Better than burnt toast, Cakes and Ale are just a happy rare break from the rest of that insidious miasma of our lives from schooldays onward, I guess.
This thus titled work by W. Somerset Maugham was mentioned in another William Trevor schoolboy school story (‘Traditions’) that I read and reviewed yesterday:
And I happen to be concurrently reviewing the Selected Stories of W. Somerset Maugham here:
“She remembered Mrs Neck saying: ‘I’d sooner a smear of Stork that what they’re turning out today,’…”
With the accretive tipsy squiffiness of General Suffolk earlier, this relates to a posh top flat wherein Mr and Mrs Runca are due to have flowers et al photographed for a fashionable magazine, a flat in an apartment block, and telling, too, of the block’s curmudgeonly, untrustworthy caretaker, a spinster lady with a dog who lives in a lower fiat, the Runcas’ Italian maid, and an almost slapstick accumulation of mishaps and near-catastrophes, mishaps due to drinking — and a prophecy, here back in the sixties, of an equally accretive sort of Trumpish ‘fake news’ syndrome that many believe to be true….
I truly sympathised with the spinster and her dog’s victimisation in these circumstances, and her own slightly squiffy failure to make herself understood amid a mountain of mistruths told ABOUT her or even concocted naïvely, for all the best reasons, BY her.
“The best things are complex and mysterious. And must remain so.”
I take that on board, when telling you that this is probably one of the most sinister stories I have ever read. Telling of a period when telephone numbers were commutable but not telephones themselves. And babysitters did not become those for whom they sat. And a job in secrecy was something to be boasted about. And a man catching a woman in marriage upon the brink of becoming a nun, also boastable. You will not forget this story of Miss Efoss babysitting for Mr and Mrs Dutt.
Worthy of Aickman.
Ex RAF man JPP teaches ladies to drive, telling them about mirror signal manoeuvre, stream-of-traffics’ rights of way, while fancying the breasts of a typist back in the office, while bearing overweight breasts himself! Depression leads to misstreaming… even death being better than commission-selling goods to pregnant ladies?!
This is a classic of coercion, suspicion, uncertain characters, frailty of purpose and easy partying…
Seriously great. How is it I have not read it before?
It out-Pinters Pinter. Who came first, Trevor or Pinter?