Jeff VanderMeer’s
public record (link) – tellingly entitled ‘Deleted Scenes’ – of Storyville’s visit to Whitby and Robin Hood’s Bay (Rock Bay?) in 2004. Fixing the memories, as mentioned in
my review (link) of AREA X. (JeffV from that public record link:
“They take awhile to fade. If you’re lucky, you write them down before they disappear entirely.”)
Relevant to a reading of AREA X? e.g. cf Monkey’s Fist folk group with Monkey’s Elbow. Whitby has two lighthouses in its harbour. My contention that Area X is AREA X the book not the Area X described within the book, cf the word Storyville? And more… Much more.
I feel the author entices such connections with his wonderful book, literary or real. Or both literary and real.
Tagged as
area x,
david matthew,
farrar straus and Giroux,
Gary Couzens,
Jeff vandermeer,
keith brooke,
lawrence dyer,
liz williams,
mark roberts,
Neil Williamson,
robin hood's bay,
rock bay,
Rosanne Rabinowitz,
southern reach trilogy,
Tamar Yellin,
trevor mendham,
Phil Raines - Iain Rowan
EDIT (a few hours later): It was apparently 2001, not 2004!
See other accounts and photos of this event: