The Bone Clocks

THE BONE CLOCKS by David Mitchell
Sceptre 2014
I received this book today as purchased from Amazon UK.
My real-time notes on this book in comment stream below…
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A FEARLESS FAITH IN FICTION — THE PASSION OF THE READING MOMENT CRYSTALLISED — Empirical literary critiques from 2008 as based on purchased books.
A coincidence here:
This is not a real-time review proper, but I shall report that I am up to page 90 in the hardback, and young Holly’s first person narrative journey – after running away from home in 1984 around Gravesend, Kent, a journey peppered with involuntary periods of Todash – has so far been all-consuming. Including her amusing recall of her Dad’s philosophies of life spoken to the grizzled customers in his pub…
Brittan seems to be similar to Alan Sugar?
All tying in with Holly’s SCRIPT, which reminds me preternaturally of my own Dreamcatcher book reviews. She is ill now, possibly like me, full diagnosis awaited.
“A writer flirts with schizophrenia, nurtures synaesthesia and embraces obsessive-compulsive disorder. Your art feeds on you, your soul and, yes, to a degree , your sanity. Writing novels worth reading will bugger up your mind, jeopardise your relationships and distend your life.”
If the crux of the combat is just with this Psychosoterica section of The Bone Clocks, then VanderMeer wins hands down.
I have now finished my subreview of the 2043 section and, thus, of the whole book itself. This last section seems like a musical psychocoda by means of a post-holocaust, where orientalist trade embargoes have become cruelly transgressable cordons and Hinkley’s Point lethally sharpened, as Holly lives on as grandmother, now in her familial Eire become a pre- and post-palimpsest.
There are compelling sections of this book that make it worth reading, but sadly not the last two sections. I feel it has all been a bit multi-subbed. Time now for my own version of a Colombian gaol.