The Dark Nest – Sue Harper
When I read this book, Covfefe permitting, my thoughts will appear in the comment stream below…
23 thoughts on “The Dark Nest – Sue Harper”

Like Sarah, I am a regular beach-comber, as you can tell from my photographs. Well. It seems, unlike any seaweedy Clarissa or gannet’s nest, a Moby Dick would be far more noticeable flotsam to scry, I guess. A mournful vision of Her Man, I infer, with any frights of an accompanying riptide or n

“Conspiracy theories only work if the enemy is truly hateful.”
Reading this bijou hardback, so far each morning upon rising, to reveal another keynote in my lockdown, as if it’s a prayer book with new imaginative truths to cast both light and whatever is needed as darkness upon the rest of my day. This tale of Stella and her obsessive man friend who becomes her Casaubon of Communism’s Philosophy and who lands her with a responsibility as a legacy of discipleship that she earths in a tree rather than unearths for the rest of us to see. There is something stoically, counterintuitively wise about this. It tempts me to revisit my own ‘tree of death’ today, one I have long called ‘Yieldingtree’. Not a yew, though, but often addressed by me as ‘you’.
A doll with downy hair to act as a REBORN, a mock baby. Reminded me of the photo recently of the PM’s new baby! This one belongs to Sarah whom or which she names after her late mother who is in a grave that later has settling earth, a sort of potential sinkhole. A transmigration of souls that start today upon reading this … I sense that Renata or Renato will soon be a favourite name for such newcomers from this our age of uncaring deaths. A positive settlement, a key to unlock our lockdown.
“I put in extra baffles and some felt.”
… being perhaps the only way to help block out time’s ominous ticking sounds.
In addition, this gem, on a different level, is an excellent found-hidden-door story.
In addition, this gem, on a different level, is an excellent found-hidden-door story.
This nifty story of Amy in the rag trade, collecting fabric remnants for her own scheme of un-svelteness. Self-isolation by dint of outlandishly designed frocks become oubliettes or unravellable corsets.
All the rage. She certainly knew her market … at least in the hindsight of her story being told at all
Jam now the J’am of Je Suis, I guess. Covidual to Individual.
I am already thinking I have discovered a new favourite fiction author with this book. Herself optimising her self. Hopefully, accretively rather than dwindlingly. Cumulatively, not in diminuendo or ‘dying fall.’
“if you want to take your revenge, you must dig two graves”.
Following an equally startling modelling of Kali. (My wife’s name is Killy, currently my sole face-to-face contact while in over 70s self-isolation.)
“In a dream I saw Jesus and My God Pan sitting together in the heart of the forest.”
—Khalil Gibran (1928)
Including a body part that I shall ever more call a Clarissa.
Just some of my own rambling thoughts, not necessarily the story’s. Nor yours.