Wednesday, May 16, 2012


10 ‘Body Poem’, by Peter Gilbert “Sometimes he recalled it as being Rebecca, other times as Elizabeth, Betsy, or even Brenda. Such details were unimportant,…”  …like Coraline and Collette earlier in their own nemonymous nights…? Indeed, this inspiringly substantive story about Paul Obern – a poet of poems writ on or in flesh [cf: an obliquely or vaguely collaborative connective work of mine published in the past] – seems to radiate many overlapping themes that preoccupy me over the years.  One example is Wimsatt’s Intentional Fallacy, with considerations of what is valid in Aesthetic judgement derivable from an artists’s autobiography and inferred from any biographical backstory, say, of sexual exploits (here germane to the very production of the art itself as ‘borne’ (obern) upon bodies!). This comes to the stunning eventuality of the art itself escaping and selling itself!  And, also, the artist trying to make himself feel depressed, so as to fit the image of the depressive artist!  A second example is digitisation, ebooks and “e-mail“  (obern = e-born): and the image evoked of text as living in its medium (each medium massaging a new meaning or message): here flesh rather than ether or paper. Digital – dig it? Digging sometimes to hurtful degrees. At least with ebooks one can blow up the print for poor eyesight. Obern once had “to write as small as possible” for which “a magnifying glass is required.” And this book’s text, meantime, saps any diminishing residues along my own optic fuse. Anyway, Obern’s ‘autobiography’ is akin to the development of Allan’s timepiece writer earlier and the grandparental influence upon her etc. Peter Gilbert’s work is an enjoyably thought-provoking, skin-pricking story. [Also: compare Marc Laidlaw's Diane Arbus Suicide Portfolio with Gilbert's Diane Aquino?] ”As Lucinda Obern became more and more fascinated with blank space…“: or reaching out for a “Dada“ism to wrap around a cone zero…? And, btw, my real-time reviews are already legendary, not simply ‘almost legendary’. : ) (16 May 12 – 1.20 pm bst) From:

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